“Why plant a church in Greer when there are churches on every corner?”

  • The current population and expected growth of Greer alone is such that there are not enough local church bodies to reach them all. Our goal is to partner with other church families in efforts to expand the Kingdom of God.

"How is the church governed?"

  • Haven Ridge is led by a plurality of elders in accordance with Scriptures. We believe the biblical model of a church government is one with multiple elders leading. The functions of the Haven Ridge elders are:

    • To serve as a manager and caretaker of the church (1 Timothy 3:5)

    • To be spiritual overseers of the flock (Acts 15:22)

    • To ordain others (1 Timothy 4:4)

    • To rule, teach and preach (1 Timothy 5:17; 3:2 & 1 Thessalonians 5:12)

    • To act as shepherds (1 Peter 5:1-3)

* This list was taken from grace to you @ https://www.gty.org/resources/questions/QA203/Why-Elder-Rule

  • We believe the two offices of the Church are Elder and Deacon.

    • Elders - The Elders are the overseers of the Church. The office of Elder is reserved for men as it represents the structure of headship God set in place for the Church. 

    • Deacons – The role of the deacon is that of a servant. Deacons serve the Church by meeting needs that might occur within the body. Haven Ridge is served by deacons.

"Is Haven Ridge affiliated with any particular denomination?"

  • Haven Ridge is a Southern Baptist church and affiliated with the South Carolina State Baptist Convention.

"What do the kids do during Haven Ridge Kids?"

  • We've implemented a Bible-Music-Mission model for teaching the kids. Currently, the children are learning from a curriculum that teaches through biblical narrative. It is designed to increase biblical literacy in children. During Kids Village, the children share in a music time intended to teach them doctrine through singing and the importance of worshiping in truth. Finally, the children have a missions moment, which serves the purpose of praying for missionaries and developing a proper worldview towards mission.