The Trial of Jesus| John 18:12-40
The Lamb Led To Slaughter: Why It Could Happen No Other Way| John 19:1-40
Lessons From A Failure| John 18:14-18,25-27
A Sovereign Arrest| John 18:1-13
That They May All Be One| John 17:20-26
Jesus Our Intercessor Part 2| John 17:10-26| Alan Burchfield
Jesus Our Intercessor Part 1| John 17:6 - 9| Alan Burchfield
The Glory Of God In Rejoicing Over His Redeemed| John 171 - 5-2| Austin Jowers
God's Love, Mature Faith And Christ Our Overcomer| John 16:25 - 33|Alan Burchfield
Crippling Sorrow & Gospel Joy| John 1612 - 24| Alan Burchfield
When The Helper Comes| John 15:26 - 16:4| Alan Burchfield